Integrations / ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign phone system integration
Integrate ActiveCampaign with CircleLoop - the better business phone system

What does CircleLoop + ActiveCampaign Integration give you?
These are just a few of the added benefits you’ll get

ActiveCampaign Integration
ActiveCampaign gives you the email marketing, marketing automation and CRM tools you need to create incredible customer experiences. Time can often be lost in making calls, managing teams and hunting down caller details and notes, and that’s where CircleLoop comes in.
Integrate instantly with your CRM tools
CircleLoop offers seamless integration with the ActiveCampaign platform, to allow users to export and sync contacts, track calls, make notes and more. CircleLoop allows for full ActiveCampaign automation, with the ability to call your ActiveCampaign contacts directly through the CircleLoop app when you’re on the go. Our integration with ActiveCampaign allows for call tracking, call recording and SMS logging, all at the click of a button. For more information on the ActiveCampaign Integration process, check our guide on integrating CircleLoop with ActiveCampaign
Once CircleLoop is integrated with ActiveCampaign it works effortlessly alongside the platform.
ActiveCampaign integration
Benefits for your team
Instantly know the ActiveCampaign contact that’s calling
Whatever app device you’re on, CircleLoop identifies the caller as long as they’re in your ActiveCampaign contacts and gives you a direct link to their profile on ActiveCampaign.
Instant access to call analytics
Everything is logged automatically in ActiveCampaign, so you can view call details like answer rate, call length, attempted calls, and more. This then gets automatically logged to a contact on ActiveCampaign without you needing to do anything.
Don’t be a note-taker
Let CircleLoop log your calls - letting you focus on more important things.
ActiveCampaign call recording
Record any calls you make or receive directly to an ActiveCampaign contact through CircleLoop. Setting this up only takes a couple of clicks, and then all calls recorded get automatically logged to a contact or prospect.
Do You Have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
Take a look at the most frequently asked questions and don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance
ActiveCampaign Call Activity Logging
You can synchronise your ActiveCampaign contacts with CircleLoop as soon as it’s installed. This integration means you can access your ActiveCampaign contacts on the go through the CircleLoop app.
What other features does CircleLoop offer?
As a cloud-based business phone system, CircleLoop can offer a number of other functions in addition to the integration with ActiveCampaign. Your number will work on any device with the CircleLoop app installed, plus free conference call capabilities and a whole host of other features.
If you want more information on CircleLoop features, check out our page.
Smart features that save you time and money
Self service
Add a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze number to your CircleLoop account
Desktop and Mobile Apps
As a cloud-based phone we run using VoIP (voice over internet protocol), so you can make and receive calls on your mobile or desktop.
CircleLoop can sync up with deskphones, so if you still need a physical phone presence we can help there too.
Number Porting
Port your old number over to CircleLoop, so you haven’t got to worry about losing key inbound prospects.
While our apps lessen the worry of missing a call, we offer voicemail transcribing for any voicemails left to your CircleLoop numbers.
Out of Hours Routing
Set the days and times you are available, route calls to another team, menu or external number
Call Transfer
Transfer calls to another team, menu or another user
All voicemails can be converted to text and sent to your activity feed or email
Conference Calling
Every user gets their own conference room, to arrange group calls with ease
Call Recording
Call recording lets your sales team learn from their mistakes and improve their calls, plus they don’t have to worry about taking note or missing a detail.
Call Greetings & Menus
If people need to return your sales calls, you can set up in-call menus to direct callers to the right place.
Call Forwarding
Send inbound calls to mobile phones or other landline numbers
Similar Integrations
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Are you ready?
Start your 7 day free trial today.
Already using Circleloop? All you need to do is link your CircleLoop ActiveCampaign accounts, check our set-up guide for more details.